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This R package is a modern reinterpretation of the widely used popular openxlsx package. Similar to its predecessor, it simplifies the creation of xlsx files by providing a clean interface for writing, designing and editing worksheets. Based on a powerful XML library and focusing on modern programming flows in pipes or chains, openxlsx2 allows to break many new ground.


The openxlsx2 package provides comprehensive functionality for interacting with Office Open XML spreadsheet files. Users can read data using read_xlsx() and write data to spreadsheets via write_xlsx(), with options to specify sheet names and cell ranges for targeted operations. Beyond basic read/write capabilities, openxlsx2 facilitates extensive workbook (wb_workbook()) manipulations, including:


Interaction with openxlsx2 objects can occur through two primary methods:

Wrapper Function Method: Utilizes the wb family of functions that support piping to streamline operations.

wb <- wb_workbook(creator = "My name here") %>%
  wb_add_worksheet(sheet = "Expenditure", grid_lines = FALSE) %>%
  wb_add_data(x = USPersonalExpenditure, row_names = TRUE)

Chaining Method: Directly modifies the object through a series of chained function calls.

wb <- wb_workbook(creator = "My name here")$
  add_worksheet(sheet = "Expenditure", grid_lines = FALSE)$
  add_data(x = USPersonalExpenditure, row_names = TRUE)

While wrapper functions require explicit assignment of their output to reflect changes, chained functions inherently modify the input object. Both approaches are equally supported, offering flexibility to suit user preferences. The documentation mainly highlights the use of wrapper functions. To find information, users should look up the wb function name e.g. ?wb_add_data_table rather than searching for ?wbWorkbook.

Function arguments follow the snake_case convention, but for backward compatibility, camelCase is also supported at the moment. The API aims to maintain consistency in its arguments, with a special focus on sheet (wb_get_sheet_names()) and dims (wb_dims), which are of particular importance to users.


By default, openxlsx2 uses the American English word for color (written with 'o' instead of the British English 'ou'). However, both spellings are supported. So where the documentation uses a 'color', the function should also accept a 'colour'. However, this is not indicated by the autocompletion.

Authors and contributions

For a full list of all authors that have made this package possible and for whom we are grateful, please see:

system.file("AUTHORS", package = "openxlsx2")

If you feel like you should be included on this list, please let us know. If you have something to contribute, you are welcome. If something is not working as expected, open issues or if you have solved an issue, open a pull request. Please be respectful and be aware that we are volunteers doing this for fun in our unpaid free time. We will work on problems when we have time or need.


This package is licensed under the MIT license and is based on openxlsx (by Alexander Walker and Philipp Schauberger; COPYRIGHT 2014-2022) and pugixml (by Arseny Kapoulkine; COPYRIGHT 2006-2023). Both released under the MIT license.

See also


Maintainer: Jan Marvin Garbuszus


Other contributors:

  • Olivier Roy [contributor]

  • openxlsx authors (openxlsx package) [copyright holder]

  • Arseny Kapoulkine (Author of included pugixml code) [contributor, copyright holder]


# read xlsx or xlsm files
path <- system.file("extdata/openxlsx2_example.xlsx", package = "openxlsx2")
#>     Var1 Var2 NA  Var3  Var4       Var5         Var6    Var7     Var8
#> 3   TRUE    1 NA     1     a 2023-05-29 3209324 This #DIV/0! 01:27:15
#> 4   TRUE   NA NA #NUM!     b 2023-05-23         <NA>       0 14:02:57
#> 5   TRUE    2 NA  1.34     c 2023-02-01         <NA> #VALUE! 23:01:02
#> 6  FALSE    2 NA  <NA> #NUM!       <NA>         <NA>       2 17:24:53
#> 7  FALSE    3 NA  1.56     e       <NA>         <NA>    <NA>     <NA>
#> 8  FALSE    1 NA   1.7     f 2023-03-02         <NA>     2.7 08:45:58
#> 9     NA   NA NA  <NA>  <NA>       <NA>         <NA>    <NA>     <NA>
#> 10 FALSE    2 NA    23     h 2023-12-24         <NA>      25     <NA>
#> 11 FALSE    3 NA  67.3     i 2023-12-25         <NA>       3     <NA>
#> 12    NA    1 NA   123  <NA> 2023-07-31         <NA>     122     <NA>

# or import workbooks
wb <- wb_load(path)

# read a data frame
#>     Var1 Var2 NA  Var3  Var4       Var5         Var6    Var7     Var8
#> 3   TRUE    1 NA     1     a 2023-05-29 3209324 This #DIV/0! 01:27:15
#> 4   TRUE   NA NA #NUM!     b 2023-05-23         <NA>       0 14:02:57
#> 5   TRUE    2 NA  1.34     c 2023-02-01         <NA> #VALUE! 23:01:02
#> 6  FALSE    2 NA  <NA> #NUM!       <NA>         <NA>       2 17:24:53
#> 7  FALSE    3 NA  1.56     e       <NA>         <NA>    <NA>     <NA>
#> 8  FALSE    1 NA   1.7     f 2023-03-02         <NA>     2.7 08:45:58
#> 9     NA   NA NA  <NA>  <NA>       <NA>         <NA>    <NA>     <NA>
#> 10 FALSE    2 NA    23     h 2023-12-24         <NA>      25     <NA>
#> 11 FALSE    3 NA  67.3     i 2023-12-25         <NA>       3     <NA>
#> 12    NA    1 NA   123  <NA> 2023-07-31         <NA>     122     <NA>

# and save
temp <- temp_xlsx()
if (interactive()) wb_save(wb, temp)

## or create one yourself
wb <- wb_workbook()
# add a worksheet
# add some data
wb$add_data("sheet", cars)
# open it in your default spreadsheet software
if (interactive()) wb$open()