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Add data to worksheet with optional styling.


  sheet = current_sheet(),
  dims = wb_dims(start_row, start_col),
  start_col = 1,
  start_row = 1,
  array = FALSE,
  col_names = TRUE,
  row_names = FALSE,
  with_filter = FALSE,
  name = NULL,
  sep = ", ",
  apply_cell_style = TRUE,
  remove_cell_style = FALSE,
  na.strings = na_strings(),
  inline_strings = TRUE,



A Workbook object containing a worksheet.


The worksheet to write to. Can be the worksheet index or name.


Object to be written. For classes supported look at the examples.


Spreadsheet cell range that will determine start_col and start_row: "A1", "A1:B2", "A:B"


A vector specifying the starting column to write x to.


A vector specifying the starting row to write x to.


A bool if the function written is of type array


If TRUE, column names of x are written.


If TRUE, the row names of x are written.


If TRUE, add filters to the column name row. NOTE: can only have one filter per worksheet.


The name of a named region if specified.


Only applies to list columns. The separator used to collapse list columns to a character vector e.g. sapply(x$list_column, paste, collapse = sep).


Should we write cell styles to the workbook


keep the cell style?


Value used for replacing NA values from x. Default looks if options( is set. Otherwise na_strings() uses the special #N/A value within the workbook.


write characters as inline strings


additional arguments


A wbWorkbook, invisibly.


Formulae written using wb_add_formula() to a Workbook object will not get picked up by read_xlsx(). This is because only the formula is written and left to Excel to evaluate the formula when the file is opened in Excel. The string "_openxlsx_NA" is reserved for openxlsx2. If the data frame contains this string, the output will be broken.

Supported classes are data frames, matrices and vectors of various types and everything that can be converted into a data frame with Everything else that the user wants to write should either be converted into a vector or data frame or written in vector or data frame segments. This includes base classes such as table, which were coerced internally in the predecessor of this package.

Even vectors and data frames can consist of different classes. Many base classes are covered, though not all and far from all third-party classes. When data of an unknown class is written, it is handled with as.character(). It is not possible to write character nodes beginning with <r> or <r/>. Both are reserved for internal functions. If you need these. You have to wrap the input string in fmt_txt().

The columns of x with class Date/POSIXt, currency, accounting, hyperlink, percentage are automatically styled as dates, currency, accounting, hyperlinks, percentages respectively.

Functions wb_add_data() and wb_add_data_table() behave quite similar. The distinction is that the latter creates a table in the worksheet that can be used for different kind of formulas and can be sorted independently, though is less flexible than basic cell regions.


## See formatting vignette for further examples.

## Options for default styling (These are the defaults)
options("openxlsx2.dateFormat" = "mm/dd/yyyy")
options("openxlsx2.datetimeFormat" = "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss")
options("openxlsx2.numFmt" = NULL)

## Create Workbook object and add worksheets
wb <- wb_workbook()

## Add worksheets

x <- mtcars[1:6, ]
wb$add_data("Cars", x, start_col = 2, start_row = 3, row_names = TRUE)

## Hyperlinks
## - vectors/columns with class 'hyperlink' are written as hyperlinks'

v <- rep("", 4)
names(v) <- paste0("Hyperlink", 1:4) # Optional: names will be used as display text
class(v) <- "hyperlink"
wb$add_data("Cars", x = v, dims = "B32")

## Formulas
## - vectors/columns with class 'formula' are written as formulas'

df <- data.frame(
  x = 1:3, y = 1:3,
  z = paste(paste0("A", 1:3 + 1L), paste0("B", 1:3 + 1L), sep = "+"),
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE

class(df$z) <- c(class(df$z), "formula")

wb$add_data(sheet = "Formula", x = df)

# update cell range and add mtcars
xlsxFile <- system.file("extdata", "openxlsx2_example.xlsx", package = "openxlsx2")
wb2 <- wb_load(xlsxFile)

# read dataset with inlinestr
#>     Var1 Var2 NA  Var3  Var4       Var5         Var6    Var7     Var8
#> 3   TRUE    1 NA     1     a 2023-05-29 3209324 This #DIV/0! 01:27:15
#> 4   TRUE   NA NA #NUM!     b 2023-05-23         <NA>       0 14:02:57
#> 5   TRUE    2 NA  1.34     c 2023-02-01         <NA> #VALUE! 23:01:02
#> 6  FALSE    2 NA  <NA> #NUM!       <NA>         <NA>       2 17:24:53
#> 7  FALSE    3 NA  1.56     e       <NA>         <NA>    <NA>     <NA>
#> 8  FALSE    1 NA   1.7     f 2023-03-02         <NA>     2.7 08:45:58
#> 9     NA   NA NA  <NA>  <NA>       <NA>         <NA>    <NA>     <NA>
#> 10 FALSE    2 NA    23     h 2023-12-24         <NA>      25     <NA>
#> 11 FALSE    3 NA  67.3     i 2023-12-25         <NA>       3     <NA>
#> 12    NA    1 NA   123  <NA> 2023-07-31         <NA>     122     <NA>
wb2 <- wb2 %>% wb_add_data(sheet = 1, mtcars, dims = wb_dims(4, 4))
#>     Var1 Var2   NA Var3  Var4       Var5         Var6    Var7     Var8   NA
#> 3   TRUE    1 <NA>    1     a 2023-05-29 3209324 This #DIV/0! 01:27:15 <NA>
#> 4   TRUE   NA  mpg  cyl  disp         hp         drat      wt     qsec   vs
#> 5   TRUE    2   21    6   160 1900-04-19          3.9    2.62 11:02:24    0
#> 6  FALSE    2   21    6   160        110          3.9   2.875 00:28:48    0
#> 7  FALSE    3 22.8    4   108         93         3.85    2.32    18.61    1
#> 8  FALSE    1 21.4    6   258 1900-04-19         3.08   3.215 10:33:36    1
#> 9     NA   NA 18.7    8   360        175         3.15    3.44    17.02    0
#> 10 FALSE    2 18.1    6   225 1900-04-14         2.76    3.46    20.22    1
#> 11 FALSE    3 14.3    8   360 1900-09-01         3.21    3.57    15.84    0
#> 12    NA    1 24.4    4 146.7 1900-03-02         3.69    3.19       20    1
#> 13    NA   NA 22.8    4 140.8         95         3.92    3.15     22.9    1
#> 14    NA   NA 19.2    6 167.6        123         3.92    3.44     18.3    1
#> 15    NA   NA 17.8    6 167.6        123         3.92    3.44     18.9    1
#> 16    NA   NA 16.4    8 275.8        180         3.07    4.07     17.4    0
#> 17    NA   NA 17.3    8 275.8        180         3.07    3.73     17.6    0
#> 18    NA   NA 15.2    8 275.8        180         3.07    3.78       18    0
#> 19    NA   NA 10.4    8   472        205         2.93    5.25    17.98    0
#> 20    NA   NA 10.4    8   460        215            3   5.424    17.82    0
#> 21    NA   NA 14.7    8   440        230         3.23   5.345    17.42    0
#> 22    NA   NA 32.4    4  78.7         66         4.08     2.2    19.47    1
#> 23    NA   NA 30.4    4  75.7         52         4.93   1.615    18.52    1
#> 24    NA   NA 33.9    4  71.1         65         4.22   1.835     19.9    1
#> 25    NA   NA 21.5    4 120.1         97          3.7   2.465    20.01    1
#> 26    NA   NA 15.5    8   318        150         2.76    3.52    16.87    0
#> 27    NA   NA 15.2    8   304        150         3.15   3.435     17.3    0
#> 28    NA   NA 13.3    8   350        245         3.73    3.84    15.41    0
#> 29    NA   NA 19.2    8   400        175         3.08   3.845    17.05    0
#> 30    NA   NA 27.3    4    79         66         4.08   1.935     18.9    1
#> 31    NA   NA   26    4 120.3         91         4.43    2.14     16.7    0
#> 32    NA   NA 30.4    4  95.1        113         3.77   1.513     16.9    1
#> 33    NA   NA 15.8    8   351        264         4.22    3.17     14.5    0
#> 34    NA   NA 19.7    6   145        175         3.62    2.77     15.5    0
#> 35    NA   NA   15    8   301        335         3.54    3.57     14.6    0
#> 36    NA   NA 21.4    4   121        109         4.11    2.78     18.6    1
#>      NA   NA   NA
#> 3  <NA> <NA> <NA>
#> 4    am gear carb
#> 5     1    4    4
#> 6     1    4    4
#> 7     1    4    1
#> 8     0    3    1
#> 9     0    3    2
#> 10    0    3    1
#> 11    0    3    4
#> 12    0    4    2
#> 13    0    4    2
#> 14    0    4    4
#> 15    0    4    4
#> 16    0    3    3
#> 17    0    3    3
#> 18    0    3    3
#> 19    0    3    4
#> 20    0    3    4
#> 21    0    3    4
#> 22    1    4    1
#> 23    1    4    2
#> 24    1    4    1
#> 25    0    3    1
#> 26    0    3    2
#> 27    0    3    2
#> 28    0    3    4
#> 29    0    3    2
#> 30    1    4    1
#> 31    1    5    2
#> 32    1    5    2
#> 33    1    5    4
#> 34    1    5    6
#> 35    1    5    8
#> 36    1    4    2