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This function can be used to add a formula to a worksheet. In wb_add_formula(), you can provide the formula as a character vector.


  sheet = current_sheet(),
  dims = wb_dims(start_row, start_col),
  start_col = 1,
  start_row = 1,
  array = FALSE,
  cm = FALSE,
  apply_cell_style = TRUE,
  remove_cell_style = FALSE,
  enforce = FALSE,
  shared = FALSE,
  name = NULL,



A Workbook object containing a worksheet.


The worksheet to write to. (either as index or name)


A formula as character vector.


Spreadsheet dimensions that will determine where x spans: "A1", "A1:B2", "A:B"


A vector specifying the starting column to write to.


A vector specifying the starting row to write to.


A bool if the function written is of type array


A special kind of array function that hides the curly braces in the cell. Add this, if you see "@" inserted into your formulas.


Should we write cell styles to the workbook?


Should we keep the cell style?


enforce dims


shared formula


The name of a named region if specified.


additional arguments


The workbook, invisibly.


Currently, the local translations of formulas are not supported. Only the English functions work.

The examples below show a small list of possible formulas:

  • SUM(B2:B4)

  • AVERAGE(B2:B4)

  • MIN(B2:B4)

  • MAX(B2:B4)

  • ...

It is possible to pass vectors to x. If x is an array formula, it will take dims as a reference. For some formulas, the result will span multiple cells (see the MMULT() example below). For this type of formula, the output range must be known a priori and passed to dims, otherwise only the value of the first cell will be returned. This type of formula, whose result extends over several cells, is only possible with single strings. If a vector is passed, it is only possible to return individual cells.

Custom functions can be registered as lambda functions in the workbook. For this you take the function you want to add "LAMBDA(x, y, x + y)" and escape it as follows. LAMBDA() is a future function and needs a prefix _xlfn. The arguments need a prefix _xlpm.. So the full function looks like this: "_xlfn.LAMBDA(_xlpm.x, _xlpm.y, _xlpm.x + _xlpm.y)". These custom formulas are accessible via the named region manager and can be removed with wb_remove_named_region(). Contrary to other formulas, custom formulas must be registered with the workbook before they can be used (see the example below).


wb <- wb_workbook()$add_worksheet()
wb$add_data(dims = wb_dims(rows = 1, cols = 1:3), x = c(4, 5, 8))

# calculate the sum of elements.
wb$add_formula(dims = "D1", x = "SUM(A1:C1)")

# array formula with result spanning over multiple cells
mm <- matrix(1:4, 2, 2)

 add_data(x = mm, dims = "A1:B2", col_names = FALSE)$
 add_data(x = mm, dims = "A4:B5", col_names = FALSE)$
 add_formula(x = "MMULT(A1:B2, A4:B5)", dims = "A7:B8", array = TRUE)

# add shared formula
 add_data(x = matrix(rnorm(5*5), ncol = 5, nrow = 5))$
 add_formula(x = "SUM($A2:A2)", dims = "A8:E12", shared = TRUE)

# add a custom formula, first define it, then use it
wb$add_formula(x = c(YESTERDAY = "_xlfn.LAMBDA(TODAY() - 1)"))
#> formula registered to the workbook
wb$add_formula(x = "=YESTERDAY()", dims = "A1", cm = TRUE)
#> Warning: modifications with cm formulas are experimental. use at own risk